Meet the committee
The Christian Union is run by a committee of nine nominated members. Their role is to organise events, meetings, and generally keep the society running smoothly!

york evangelical church
Lead the rest of the committee and CU at large along with Sam to cast the vision for mission, which is for everyone at York the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel.

sam cole
york community church
Lead the rest of the committee and CU at large along with Amelia to cast the vision for mission, which is to give everyone at York the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel.

tom slevin
york evangelical church
Facilitating communication within and outside of the CU, by booking rooms, sending emails and doing lots of admin.
Hi, I'm Amelia and I'm Co-President alongside Sam. My role involves leading and encouraging the other committee members in their roles as well as casting our vision of giving everyone on campus the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel. Jesus has changed my life forever and I want other people to know of his incredible, unchanging love.
I study English Literature which means I spend most of my time reading and writing. When I don't have my head in a book, I love visiting different cafes and spending time with my friends and family. I also like to bake, write blog posts and watch football especially if it's live at Wembley. I'm so excited to serve God and the CU this year and I'm looking forward to seeing what he will do on our campus.
To get in contact, email me at
Hi, I'm Sam and I'm a Co-President alongside Amelia. My role ensures all the events and meetings we run are focused primarily on our mission as a CU, which is to give every student on campus the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel. I'd love to encourage each of you reading this - the Kingdom of God is real, a relationship with Jesus is possible, and you are so welcome here at CU, regardless of your level of faith or knowledge.
I study Chemistry so I can often be found in labs or lectures - when I get some free time I love to play some tunes on the ukelele or trombone.
To get in contact, email me at
Hi! I'm Tom. I'm a Politics and International Relations student! My role on committee is secretary which means I help plan and book speakers, send a lot of emails, do room bookings and a lot of other admin tasks.
In my free time I like to play a lot of sport (tennis, football, cricket) and enjoy going for long runs, if I'm not doing that then I'm probably watching the news, reading fantasy books or baking all while drinking a lot of coffee!
To get in contact, email me at

prayer and praise coordinator
york evangelical church
Organising sung worhsip for weekly meetings, as well as encouraging the CU to be rooted in prayer as we seek to worship God in every area of our lives.

york vineyard church
Looking after money and communicating with the committee and wider student union. The role involves managing reimbursements, keeping spreadsheets up to date and setting budgets for events.

international evangelism coordinator
york evangelical church
Encouraging the CU to develop cross-cultural friendships and to share the Gospel with international students on campus. This includes organising events such as meals, talks and quizzes.
Hey! I'll be heading up all things prayer and praise this year. My role involves keeping UYCU rooted in prayer by organising prayer meetings each week because we serve a God who hears every prayer (Psalm 139:4), and helps us as we pray (Romans 8:26)! On the music side of things, I sort out the band and songs for our weekly CU Centrals, and seek to encourage every member of the CU to worship God in every area of our lives!
I study English Literature, and in my free time, I write lots (LOTS) of songs. I love going on long walks in different areas of York, baking, and hanging out with my house's hamster, Jonathan (ask me for a pic)!
To get in contact, email me at
Hi, I'm Daniel! As the treasurer for the Christian Union, my role involves everything money-related, working alongside the rest of the committee to best use the funds we have to share Jesus on campus.
While a lot of my role goes on behind the scenes, managing reimbursements, keeping spreadsheets up to date and setting budgets for events, I still love to chat to new people so come and say hi!
Away from CU I'm in the second year of my Maths degree, and I enjoy getting out into the Yorkshire countryside and going walking when I have the chance.
To get in contact, email me at
Hi, I'm Naomi! My role oversees all of the international events, so I make sure that all international students have a space in the CU to feel welcomed and included. I run events which include contacting a speaker, organising hosts and collating a team to cook food. I have a real passion for international students and how everyone on campus should get an opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel.
I study Theatre, But when I'm not at CU or in a theatre you'll find me baking, cooking, painting, or watching a film! I am also always up for a long walk and a chat across the beautiful city of York!
To get in contact, email me at

college coordinator
st michael the belfrey
Supporting the college leaders by helping them prepare for Bible Studies with their college small groups. As well as organising events for college groups. As well as ensuring all the leaders are happy and content.

publicity coordinator
trinity church york
Getting the word out about events online and on campus in a fun and creative way. Making sure all information goes from the committee to wider online audiences.

evangelism coordinator
st michael the belfrey
Facilitating effective evangelistic events so that everyone has an opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel, as well as encouraging CU members in their personal evangelism.
Hi, I'm Lanny and I'm the college coordinator for the CU this year. My role is super fun as I get to spend lots of time with the college leader's in helping them plan Bible studies and coordinate college-specific events which give people the opportunity to hear about Jesus Christ. It's so encouraging to get to work with the leader's to allow people across campus to have access to reading scripture and be able to discuss it in detail in a welcoming environment.
I study English Language and Linguistics and in my spare time I love to go for walks with friends, especially rainy walk, and enjoy how beautiful nature is. I'm also a bit of a foodie so I love trying all sorts of new restaurants and food.
​To get in contact, email me at
Hey! I'm Shannah, and I am the publicity coordinator this year for UYCU. Publicity involves running social media, answering messages, making flyers and graphics to produce content which is fun and informative and making sure all information gets out to those who need to hear it!
I study Sociology with Social Psychology. In my spare time I love to paint and get creative, spend time in nature, go for runs, and cook yummy food (I love doing all of these things with my pals)!! I love Jesus and I want to make him known on campus. He changed my life - and I truly believe he can change yours!
To get in contact, email me at
Hi, I'm Steph and I'm this years evangelism coordinator! This means I run events on campus that enable everyone to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ.
I study history, love listening to musicals, hanging with friends, and dancing and wandering around York.
To get in contact, email me at