What's On
Week to Week
The CU meets throughout the week in various forms, and we'd love you to join us!
Tuesday evenings at 7:30pm, in each college
College groups are missional communities that meet across colleges to study the Bible, grow together in faith and love.
For more information, find your college here
Prayer Meeting
Mission is nothing without prayer!
These take place every Friday at 1pm in Spring Lane - join our Facebook group to get the room information each week
Join us on to pray for the gospel to be spread on campus, in York, the UK and beyond!
Every Thursday evening, 7.30pm in ATB/056 (Alcuin College, near the Kitchen cafe)
CU Central is a brilliant opportunity to unite with students from all colleges to enjoy sung worship, prayer, and a message from a guest speaker.
Absolutely everyone is invited, whether you're a committed Christian, unsure about what you believe, or just interested in the Christian faith!
other events
Weekly we host ParkRun and Pancakes, join the Facebook group for further information.
We run various evangelistic events across the year to share the good news of Christ on our campus!
Follow our Instagram here for regular updates about events.
weekly cu timetable
UpComing Events
BIg Christmas night in - 04/12
Christmas Meal - 11/12